
John J. Morris Post 62


Welcome to Our Website

For those new to our website: You DO NOT need to sign-in to view any part of this website. 

The sign-in is only for those authorized to make changes to the website.

About Us

We are located at 9847 W. Desert Cove Ave., Peoria AZ 85345 off of 99th Ave (east side). We are north of Peoria Ave., and south of Sun City Blvd. Specifically, we are the big red brick building just south of the Immanuel Campus of Care nursing home. Our Hours of Operation are Monday thru Saturday from 9 am to 10 pm, and Sundays from 9 am to 8 pm (closing at discretion of bartenders). We have a full-service kitchen with a dining room (doubles as our Bingo Hall) and a social quarters (a.ka., bar) where you can dance or play pool or a game of electronic Bingo. We are a non-smoking post. There is an outside patio on the west side for smokers that has a misting system and shade screens.



 Guess which American Legion Auxiliary won the Bieri Trophy once again??????
 Okay, here's a couple of hints....
 It's the 2nd largest Legion Post in Arizona
 It's located in the City of Peoria
 CONGRATULATIONS to our Unit 62 Auxiliary!!!!!



This year’s 2024 membership card, Be the One, reminds us that the Number 1 issue facing the veteran community is suicide. It is estimated that between 17 and 22 veterans or servicemembers take their lives each day. That’s more than 6,000 annually. The rate of suicide for veterans is more than 50% higher than that of non-veteran adults.    

At its core, The American Legion is activating a national platform to reduce the rate of veteran suicide. The Be the One campaign will destigmatize asking for mental health support, creating opportunity for those with mental health issues to speak freely and get the support they need. How can you help? While this program is designed to help all veterans, we know that everyone responds differently to stresses, have different life experiences, and have varying results in types of treatment. However, the following are guidelines intended to provide help before a crisis situation develops. The American Legion encourages you to Be the One to talk with others about how you are feeling, ask for help when you know you need it, know there are millions of people ready to help you and remember your family and friends’ care.

The 2025 memberships are being processed as fast as I can; over 400 since last Friday (as of 8/9/24). For some of you, there will be a surprise inside your envelope .You can renew ONLINE by going to  www.legion.org/renew  and click “Renew Now” to safely and conveniently pay your  dues. There is also a new 3-year option (for 2025-2026-2027) @ $50 per year ($150). Please note that you won't get one card that has all three years on it. You are just pre-paying and will get the card as that year is released to the Post from National.


Participants/members must have some form of proof of a 2024 (or 2025) membership card BEFORE you chose a numbered card on our Queen of Hearts Raffle board. As it states on the Rules for the Queen of Hearts Raffle, "It is the players responsibility to comply with the rules of the Queen of Hearts Raffle.
Note: For those who have digital pictures of their membership cards on their phones? These membership cards must be signed by a Legion officer and the member as well. As it says underneath the signature block on your membership card, "NOT valid unless coutersigned by the member."
NOTE: Members whose membership cards have expired can not be signed in as guests. 
  • Next Monday, it's @ $5,000+ on  8/12/24 since we had a winner a/o 7/29/24. Don't forget: there is an extra envelope added to the 54 envelopes with cards in them. This extra envelope will give the lucky person who selects it $500 - not bad, huh?   


Volunteering is a voluntary act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor, often for community service or their American Legion Family.
If you are interested, email legadjutant@azpost62.com and I'll send you a Volunteer Form.



RED (Remember Everyone Deployed) shirts are now available at the Post; Men's sizes Large, X-Large and XX-Large. For the Ladies, V-neck sizes are: S, M, Large, X-Large and XX-Large for $20 each. Get yours today while quantities last!



And....our newest "T"...while quantities last!







DID YOU KNOW? If you buy the winning Powerball or Mega Millions jackpot ticket at Post 62, as an incentive, the Post gets a certain percentage as a reward for selling that ticket. For example, the latest Powerball of over $1.75 billion that someone won in CA? The store that sold that ticket got $1 million - something to think about! 




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