Commander (Bob Singer):
It shall be the duty of the Post Commander to preside at meetings of the Post and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the Post. He/she shall approve all orders directing disbursement of funds and make an annual report covering the business of the Post for the year and make recommendations for the ensuing year, which shall be read at the last presiding meeting, and a copy thereof be immediately forwarded to the Department Adjutant. He shall perform such other duties as directed by the Post.
Commander Bob Singer’s remarks for the membership during the July 16, 2024 General Membership Meeting:
- Post 62 has achieved some significant success during the past year. Thanks to the efforts of our Finance Officer, Rich Aguirre, the mortgage on our building was paid off back in December of 2023. That will afford us the ability to catch up on some deferred maintenance projects and focus on that and other matters of importance to the Post and to veterans in general.
- Our Historian, Dwight Amery, has written somewhere around 40 or more articles on Post 62 activities which have been published at the National level. There are, I’m sure, more to follow in the coming year.
- Under the guidance of our Judge Advocate, Chad Sanders, our by-laws have been reviewed, revised and updated where needed. There may be further updates when National releases their by-law updates.
- 1st Vice Commander Ken Ellison, supported by a number of hard-working volunteers, have streamlined the operation of the kitchen resulting in significant savings on food costs and overhead while increasing the variety and quality of the meals served, the days and hours of operation, and overall profitability.
- Bingo Manager Ron Sarazin has done a great job of keeping the Bingo operation flowing smoothly and profitably, including the purchase and installation of a new operating system.
- We had also begun to successfully support, for a period, Boarderland Produce Rescue Organization by periodically hosting their event where they hand out up to 70lbs of fruits & vegetables to the public for $15 a box. The turnout of the post volunteers, and recently the football teams of two high schools, has been amazing. The partner ship with Boarderlands has been terminated because the traffic was backed up all the way past the Loop 101. The hotter weather was an issue as well.
- The Auxiliary, Riders, and the SONs have also scored a number of successes during the year. The Auxiliary, once again, won the Bieri Award at the state convention last month.
- There were also some significant bumps in the road. Without going into details, some behavioral issues and differences of opinion, resulted in loud, disruptive and contenscious arguments during meetings along with subsequent activities with negatively affected the operation of the Post, and left some with emotional wounds.
- One of my primary goals for the year will be to heal those wounds and unite Post 62 into the supportive veteran brotherhood it is intended to be.
- With that in mind, I would remind you that the Post officers and employees are responsible for the daily maintenance and operation of the Post. But the ultimate control of the decision-making process, pertaining to rules, operations, and expenditures, lies with you…the membership. The Executive Board will initiate proposals and vote on motions which will be submitted to you during the general membership meetings for your discussion and a final vote to approve or disapprove of the matter presented.
- Any Post member is allowed to speak and present an opinion or make a suggestion during a meeting. However, I will insist on maintaining what I call civil discourse; a reasonable level of interaction; no shouting, belligerent, threatening, of disruptive behavior will be tolerated. Those who do so may be escorted out of the room by the Sergeant At Arms. If you wish to speak, please raise your hand and be recognized. Everyone who wishes to speak will be given a turn. Please do not interrupt or speak over the person who is talking.
- When called upon, please stand and state your first & last name. I am hearing-impaired so I may ask you to repeat, if necessary. Be prepared, be concise, and keep your comment to the subject at hand. We do not want these meetings to run past midnight.
- I will also be available to meet personally with any member who has an idea, a complaint, or a suggestion that they want to discuss. Contact me and we will set a time to meet.
Elected Officers
1st Vice Commander (Ken Ellison):
The First Vice Commander shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of the Commander in the absence or disability of, or when called upon by the Post Commander. The First Vice Commander shall act as the Food Service Coordinator. The includes the coordination, in conjunction with the Volunteer Coordinator, of the housekeeping, janitorial and set up requirements to meet the established schedule of scheduled food service. The Post events shall have precedence over all other entities. This officer shall report directly to the Post Commander on all such functions. The Post Commander will provide a detailed job description to this officer. The First Vice Commander also coordinates with the Finance Officer regarding fiscal matters and to the Commander or his designee regarding matters associated with post activities. The First Vice Commander will serve as Membership Committee Chairman and other duties as outlined in the Officers Guide, American Legion.
Second Vice Commander (Bud Gay):
It shall be the duty of the Second Vice Commander to assume and discharge the duties of the office of the Commander or the First Vice Commander in the absence of, or when called upon by the Post Commander. This Officer will also coordinate with other entities within the Post to ensure that there is no overlap of special events. This includes the coordination, in conjunction with the Volunteer Coordinator, of the housekeeping, janitorial and set up requirements to meet the established schedule of the Social Center. The Second Vice Commander shall act as the Social Center Coordinator and be responsible for all special events held on Post property. This will include the scheduling of entertainment, hall rentals and any other special functions. The Post events shall have precedence over all other entities. The Officer shall report directly to the Post Commander on all such functions. The Post Commander shall provide a detailed job description to this Officer. The Second Vice Commander also coordinates with the Finance Officer regarding fiscal matters; and to the Commander or his designee regarding matters associated with Post activities. The Second Vice Commander will also function as the Chairman of the House Committee with special duties of coordinating (by delegation if so chosen), entertainment and fund-raising efforts, promote welfare and perform other duties as outlined in the Officers Guide, American Legion.
Finance Officer (Ron Sarazin):
The Finance Officer of the Post shall have charge of all finances and see that they are safely deposited in some local bank or banks and shall report once a month to the Executive Board the condition of the finances of the Post with such other recommendations as he may deem expedient for their raising of funds with which to carry on the activities of the Post. The Finance Officer shall maintain a Reserve Fund of $150,000. This Fund will only be used in emergencies when no other funds are available. This Fund may not be used for building expansion, new construction, capital investments or anything not required for Post operation. Expenditures from the Reserve Fund shall require two thirds vote of the Executive Board and the General Membership. The Finance Officer will normally sign the checks disbursing the money of the Post. The Finance Officer will hire and discharge finance office personnel with consultation and approval of the Social Center Committee pending final action of the Executive Board.
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Executive Committee Persons: (Brian Evans, Tiffany Garvine, Don Jeffrey, Mike Montague)
These four (4) elected Officers are Executive Board Members at Large representing the General Membership. A such, they are the voice of the General Membership in the conduct of Post affairs. They can expect to be a part of key committees and take the lead when required for special projects. They will have the responsibility for: a.) Flag disposal and; 2.) Post representation at the Northwest Valley Veterans Association (NWVVA) meetings each month.
Appointed Officers:
Adjutant (Dave Broyles):The Adjutant is the Secretary of the Board. Under the direction of the Commander, the Adjutant shall receive and answer all correspondence of the Post; have charge of an keep a complete and correct record of the proceedings of all Official Meetings; and prepare summarized meeting minutes an reports for publication.
Bingo Manager (Chuck Holsinger): manages and directs the daily activities of the bingo department. Approves jackpots and payouts and ensures that all appropriate forms are completed. Being a Bingo Manager ensures compliance with federal and state gaming regulations.
Chaplain (Brett Hauf): The Chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of Post members and will offer divine but non-sectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., and adhere to such ceremonial rituals as are recommended by the National or Department Headquarters.
Judge Advocate (Chad Sanders): The Judge Advocate’s duties shall be to advice the Post Commander of the interpretation or modification of the Post’s Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations, and be responsible for an annual financial audit and the Post Responsibility Audit as described in the American Legion Officer’s Guide.
Historian (Dwight Amery): The Post Historian shall be charged with the individual records and functions of the Post and Post members and shall perform such duties as may properly pertain to the office as may be determined by the Post of the Executive Board. The Historian will supervise all post public affairs activities.
Sergeant-at-Arms (Rod Tiner): The Sergeant-at-Arms shall preserve order at all meetings and shall perform such others duties as may be from time to time assigned to him by the Commander.
Service Officer (Charles "Chuck" Holsinger): The Service Officer duties shall be generally that of: coordination all Post veterans assistance programs; assist in processing veterans claims; and protecting the rights and privileges of all veterans, their dependents and survivors.Assistance with:
Color Guard Captain (Richard Brown): The American Legion Color Guard is a group of dedicated Patriots who honor Veterans at funerals by performing a solemn patriotic ritual. By request we perform at funerals for no cost to say thank you to the deceased from The United States of America, The American Legion, the specific service the individual served in, and from every Veteran who has ever served!
Americanism (Adjutant): Americanism, one of the Legion's four pillars, is simply the love of America, loyalty to its ideals and institutions, allegiance to its flag, willingness to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and a desire to pass on the blessings of liberty to future generations.
Audit Committee: Chaired by the Judge Advocate and consisting of three (3) additional members appointed by the Commander, the committee shall conduct an audit of the financial records and accounts pertaining to all post activities within a thirty (30) day period immediately preceding the annual election. They shall present the results of the audit to the Executive Board for approval.
Entertainment Committee: The Entertainment Committee shall consist of members of the House Committee and any others approved by the Second Vice Commander. The Committee will select forms of entertainment, such as bands, acts and other groups in support of Post and Social Center events.
Finance Committee: Chaired by the Finance Officer and will consist of four (4) other Post members. They shall be charged with the administration of the financial policy preparation of the budget, recommendation and supervision of receiving, disbursing and accounting of all Post revenues.
House Committee: Chaired by the Second Vice Commander, and consisting of four (4) other non-Executive Board members that are nominated by the Second Vice Commander and approved by the Commander, shall oversee the operations of the Post of the Post Home. The Chairman shall vote on issues as a tie-breaker only. The Committee will act as an avenue to bring members/s grievances or suggestions for change and improvement to the Executive Board. They will monitor the state of repairs to Post facilities, equipment and building. They will recommend to the Executive Board alterations and changes to improve services to the membership. They will recommend changes in cost of food and beverages served in the post. The Executive Board will act on and respond to each recommendation made by the House Committee. The House Committee will meet as needed on the first Tuesday of every month at a time prescribed by the Second Vice Commander. The time of the meeting will be posted on the Social Center bulletin board for the benefit of the General membership.
Publicity Committee: The Publicity Committee, chaired by the Historian, shall be charged with the promotion of public support of the Legion’s program by establishment of proper contact with the American Legion magazine, Departmental and National News Service, and by local publicity of the Post programs and activities.
Service Committee: Chaired by the Service Officer who shall supervise all matters pertaining to the service to Comrades in the prosecution of all claims against the United States or State government; employment relief, etc.